
In Young's double slit experiment, one of the slit is wider than other, so that the amplitude of the light from one slit is double of that from other slit. If Im be the maximum intensity, the resultant intensity I when they interfere at phase difference f is given by (1) m I (4 5cos ) 9 + f (2) 2 mI 1 2cos 3 2 f + (3) 2 mI 1 4cos 5 2 f + (4) 2 mI 1 8cos 9 2+?

In Young's double slit experiment, one of the slit is wider than other, so that the amplitude of the light from one slit is double of that from other slit. If Im be the maximum intensity, the resultant intensity I when they interfere at phase difference f is given by (1) m I (4 5cos ) 9 + f (2) 2 mI 1 2cos 3 2 f + (3) 2 mI 1 4cos 5 2 f + (4) 2 mI 1 8cos 9 2+?


1 Answers

3773 Points
7 years ago
The intensity is directly proportional to square of the amplitude
. Here amplitudes of the sources are in the ratio 1:2.
Therefore intensity are in the ratio 1:4. 
Resultant Intensity will be maximum, here Im, if Φ is zero
hence correct answer is 4th option

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