Flag Engineering Entrance Exams> In context with the industrial preparatio...
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In context with the industrial preparation of hydrogen from water gas (CO + H2), which of the following is thecorrect statement?i. H2 is removed through occlusion with Pd.ii. CO is oxidised to CO2 with steam in the presence of a catalyst followed by absorption of CO2in alkali.iii. CO and H2are fractionally separated using differences in their densities.iv. CO is removed by absorption in aqueous Cu2Cl2solution.

Ashwani sinha , 11 Years ago
anser 2 Answers
Saurabh Koranglekar

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

Water and coal are made to react by passing steam over red hot coke at very high temperature, producing a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen which is called water gas.

Carbon monoxide is converted into carbon dioxide by passing the water gas and excess steam over the catalyst iron (III) oxide and chromium (III) oxide at very high temperature.

Carbon monoxide is separated from hydrogen gas by passing it through water at a pressure of 30 atmospheres due to which carbon monoxide is absorbed in water unlike hydrogen gas.

Vikas TU

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

The water gas is mixed with excess of steam and passed 45∘C over a heated catalyst (Fe2O3+Cr2O3).CO is mostly oxidised to CO2 and more H2 is set free. CO2 is absorbed in alkali.
CO+H2 Water gas + H2O Steam−→−−−Catalyst CO2 + 2H2

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