Flag Engineering Entrance Exams> I am needing to confirm an answer for sim...
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I am needing to confirm an answer for simple valve question.I have a control valve that has an inlet pressure of 100psi. It has an outlet pressure of 25 psi. The spool (piston) has a5 in2 bottom and 10 in2 top. What must the pressure on top of the 10 in2 piston be to enable this valve to just start to open?

Jim G , 10 Years ago
anser 1 Answers
Sumit Majumdar

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

Dear student,
You should proceed as follows:
a) First calculate the inlet velocity V1
i) Calculate CSA of inlet (A1)
ii) Calculate CSA of outlet (A2)
Using this you can find theInlet Velocity V1

b) Then calculate the Outlet Velocity V2

Once you are done, you can find by using the conservation of energy as to how much should be the pressure so that the valve just opens up.

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