
Four metals A, B, C and D have E° values: – 0.76V, 0.34V, –2.13 V and 0.44V respectively. What is the correct order of their increasing oxidising power? (a) A > B > C > D (b) D > B > A > C (c) D > A > B > C (d) C> D > A > B

Four metals A, B, C and D have E° values: – 0.76V, 0.34V, –2.13 V and 0.44V respectively. What is the correct order of their increasing oxidising power?
(a) A > B > C > D
(b) D > B > A > C
(c) D > A > B > C
(d) C> D > A > B


1 Answers

Saurabh Koranglekar
askIITians Faculty 10335 Points
4 years ago
Dear student

Higher the electrode potential (E0) lower is the tendency of the metal to lose electrons and hence lower is the electropositive character of the metal.


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