Flag Engineering Entrance Exams> Find the number of 7 letter word that can...
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Find the number of 7 letter word that can be made by using 5 consonant and 2 vowels

Shabdarali , 7 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 4 Answers
Harsh Patodia

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

it really doesnot matter whether you have vowels Or consonants number of words fromed from 7 letter will be 7! (unless any condition is given)

Piyush Maheshwari

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

For 7 letter words with the given conditions, no. of words = 5C2 * 21C5 * 7! [select 2 vowels, 5 conso, arrange}
(Assuming that the letters are distinct)
If the letters can be repeated, no. of words = 7C2 * (5^2) * (21^5) {select place for both the vowels, select 2 vowels out of 5, select 5 consonants out of 21}

Piyush Maheshwari

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

@Harsh Patodia Sir, the letters constituting the word have not yet been selected. You missed it. So 7! is not the answer.

SR Roy

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

For 7 letter words with the given conditions, no. of words = 5C2 * 21C5 * 7!  [select 2 vowels, 5 conso, arrange}
(Assuming that the letters are distinct)
If the letters can be repeated, no. of words = 7C2 * (5^2) * (21^5)  {select place for both the vowels, select 2 vowels out of 5, select 5 consonants out of 21}

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