
Draw a circuit diagram for use of NPN transistor as an amplifier in common emitter configuration. The input resistance of a transistor is 1000ohm . On changing its base current by 10uA . the collector current increases by 2 m A. If a load resistance of 5Kohmis used in the circuit, calculate: 1 + 2 (i) the current gain (ii) voltage gain of the amplifier

Draw a circuit diagram for use of NPN transistor as an amplifier in common emitter
configuration. The input resistance of a transistor is 1000ohm . On changing its base current by 10uA . the collector current increases by 2 m A. If a load resistance of 5Kohmis used in the circuit, calculate: 1 + 2
(i) the current gain
(ii) voltage gain of the amplifier


2 Answers

Saurabh Koranglekar
askIITians Faculty 10335 Points
4 years ago
Vikas TU
14149 Points
4 years ago
As the the common collector (CC) amplifier receives its input signal to the base with the output voltage taken from across the emitter load, the input and output voltages are “in-phase” (0o phase difference) thus the common collector configuration goes by the secondary name of Emitter Follower as the output voltage

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