
A train accelerating uniformly from rest attains a maximum speed of 40 ms-1 in 20 seconds. It travels at this speed for 20 seconds and is brought to rest with uniform retardation in further 40 seconds. What is the average velocity during this period? A. 80/3 ms-1 B. 40 ms-1 C. 25 ms-1 D. 30 ms-1

A train accelerating uniformly from rest attains a maximum speed of 40 ms-1 in 20 seconds. It travels at this speed for 20 seconds and is brought to rest with uniform retardation in further 40 seconds. What is the average velocity during this period? A. 80/3 ms-1 B. 40 ms-1 C. 25 ms-1 D. 30 ms-1

Grade:upto college level

1 Answers

Saurabh Koranglekar
askIITians Faculty 10335 Points
4 years ago

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