
A scientist is weighing each of 30 fishes. Their mean weight worked out is 30 gm and a standard deviation of 2 gm. Later, it was found that the measuring scale was misaligned and always under reported every fish weight by 2 gm. The correct mean and standard deviation (in gm) of fishes are respectively

A scientist is weighing each of 30 fishes. Their mean weight worked out is 30 gm and a standard deviation of 2 gm. Later, it was found that the measuring scale was misaligned and always under reported every fish weight by 2 gm. The correct mean and standard deviation (in gm) of fishes are respectively


1 Answers

Saurabh Koranglekar
askIITians Faculty 10335 Points
4 years ago
Dear student

The answer is 32-------------------30+2


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