
Colours appear on a thin soap film and on soap bubbles due to the phenomenon of (a) Refraction (b) Dispersion (c) interfererence (d) Diffraction

Colours appear on a thin soap film and on soap bubbles due to the phenomenon of      

        (a)    Refraction

        (b)    Dispersion

        (c)    interfererence  

        (d)    Diffraction

Grade:upto college level

1 Answers

Aditi Chauhan
askIITians Faculty 396 Points
10 years ago


We know that the colours for which the condition of constructive interference is satisfied are observed in a given region of the film. The path difference between the light waves reaching the eye changes when the position of the eye is changed. Therefore colours appear on a thin soap film or soap bubbles due to the phenomenon of interference.

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