
The difference between a decinormal solution of hydrochloric acid and a decinormal solution of acetic acid is that (A) one of them is corrosive and other is not (B) one of them conduct electricity and other does not (C) one of them decomposes sodium carbonate and other does not (D) one of them contains undissociated molecules of the acid and other does not

The difference between a decinormal solution of hydrochloric acid and a decinormal solution of acetic acid is that
    (A)    one of them is corrosive and other is not
    (B)    one of them conduct electricity and other does not
    (C)    one of them decomposes sodium carbonate and other does not
    (D)    one of them contains undissociated molecules of the acid and other does not

Grade:upto college level

1 Answers

Radhika Batra
247 Points
10 years ago

        Because acetic acid is a weak electrolyte so it is not fully dissociated so the solution also contains some undissociated molecules.

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