
The dye acriflavine when dissolved in water has its maximum light absorption at 4530 A and has maximum florescence emission at 5080 A. the number of florescence quanta is, on the average, 53% of the number of quanta absorbed. What percentage of absorbed light energy is emitted as fluorescence? (A) 41% (B) 47% (C) 74% (D) 63%


The dye acriflavine when dissolved in water has its maximum light absorption at 4530 A and has maximum florescence emission at 5080 A. the number of florescence quanta is, on the average, 53% of the number of quanta absorbed. What percentage of absorbed light energy is emitted as fluorescence?


(A) 41%

(B) 47%

(C) 74%

(D) 63%


Grade:Upto college level

1 Answers

askIITians Faculty 1241 Points
9 years ago
(B) 47%

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