
i have got 288 marks in bitsat 2011 and 6855 rank in aieee which college must i prefer BITS,DCE,NSIT. which branch???????

i have got 288 marks in bitsat 2011 and 6855 rank in aieee

which college must i prefer BITS,DCE,NSIT. which branch???????


1 Answers

Ashwin Sinha
520 Points
13 years ago

Dear Pranjal Batra,

 I don't feel that u will be able to qualify for DCE or NSIT!!!!!! Go for ITS Pilani 5 year integrated course!!!!!! You will get it!!!!!! yOU will also get any btanch in BITS Hyderabad!!!!!!! It's also good!!!!

                Good Luck!!!!!!!


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