
i m geting 60% in aieee 2011 will i be able to make it to dce or nsit ,delhi ???? what rank will i get ??? will i get ece or cs ???

i m geting 60% in aieee 2011

will i be able to make it to dce or nsit ,delhi ????

what rank will i get ???

will i get ece or cs ???


1 Answers

AJIT AskiitiansExpert-IITD
68 Points
13 years ago

Dear Pallav ,

S. No. Marks AIR
1 >330 500 to 1
2 306-330 1,000 - 501
3 291-305 1,707 - 1,001
4 271-290 2,700 - 1,708
5 261-270 3,900 - 2,701
6 251-260 4,400 - 3,901
7 241-250 5,500 - 4,401
8 231-240 7,210 - 5,501
9 221-230 8,500 - 7,211
10 211-220 10,359 - 8,501
11 201-210 12,296 - 10,360
12 191-200 14,500 - 12,297
13 181-190 17,514 - 14,501
14 171-180 20,834 - 17,515
15 161-170 25,000 - 20,835
16 151-160 30,133 - 25,001
17 141-150 35,000 - 30,134
18 131-140 41,000 - 35,001
19 121-130 50,000 - 41,001
20 111-120 60037 - 50,001
21 101-110 75,000 - 60,038
22 91-100 92,200 - 75,001
23 71-90 162692 - 92,201
24 51-70 2,90,000 - 162693
25 32-50 5,40,000 - 2,90,001
26 0 – 32 5,40,000 & above



Date of Counseling Session Reporting Time Region    
7-7-2010 (Wednesday)   10:30 A.M. Outside Delhi Open (All) 1-2500
7-7-2010 (Wednesday)   02:00 P.M. Outside Delhi Open (All) 2501-5000 *
8-7-2010 (Thursday)   10:30 A.M. Outside Delhi OBC 1-20,000
8-7-2010 (Thursday)   02:00 P.M. Outside Delhi ST 1-150,000
9-7-2010 (Friday)   10:30 A.M. Outside Delhi SC 1 – 35,000
9-7-2010 (Friday)   02:00 P.M. Outside Delhi SC 35,001-75,000
10-7-2010 (Saturday)   10:30 A.M. Delhi Open (All) 1-1500
10-7-2010 (Saturday)   02:00 P.M. Delhi Open (All) 1501-3000
12-7-2010 (Monday)   10:30 A.M. Delhi Open (All) 3001-4500
12-7-2010 (Monday)   02:00 P.M. Delhi Open (All) 4501-6000
13-7-2010 (Tuesday)   10:30 A.M. Delhi Open (All) 6001-7500
13-7-2010 (Tuesday)   02:00 P.M. Delhi Open (All) 7501-9000
14-7-2010 (Wednesday)   10:30 A.M. Delhi Open (All) 9001-10,500
14-7-2010 (Wednesday)   02:00 P.M. Delhi Open (All) 10,501-12,000
15-7-2010 (Thursday)   10:30 A.M. Delhi Open (All) 12,001-13,500
15-7-2010 (Thursday)   02:00 P.M. Delhi Open (All) 13,501­15,000**
16-7-2010 (Friday)   10:30 A.M. Delhi SC 1-50,000
16-7-2010 (Friday) II 02:00 P.M. Delhi SC 50,001-100,000
17-7-2010 (Saturday)   10:30 A.M. Delhi OBC 1-12,000
17-7-2010 (Saturday) II 02:00 P.M. Delhi OBC 12001-25,000
19-7-2010 (Monday)   10:30 A.M. Delhi Kashmiri Migrant(KM)/ Foreign National (FN) All eligible applicants
20-07-2010 (Tuesday)   10:30 A.M. Delhi & Outside Delhi CW (Sub Category) All eligible applicants
21-7-2010 (Wednesday)   10:30 A.M. Delhi & Outside Delhi PH (Sub Category) All eligible applicants

So , you can see where you stand considering that the IT idn dce and NSit is a hot branch nowadays.

Please feel free to ask your queries here. We are all IITians and here to help you in your IIT JEE  preparation.


All the best.


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Askiitians Expert

Ajit Singh Verma

IIT Delhi

Dear Student Name,


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Askiitians Expert

Ajit Singh Verma

IIT Delhi

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