
How will the level of Manipal exam be? Also can you tel me where the precious yr papers are available?

How will the level of Manipal exam be?

Also can you tel me where the precious yr papers are available?


1 Answers

askIITians Faculty 1241 Points
8 years ago
It's a 2.5 hour computer based test. There are 240 questions ( 240 in 150 minutes-- its like shit ). All the subject questions were mixed up.The questions were very easy but 240 in 150 is very irritating. NO negative marks, a correct answer carries 1 mark.

If the examinee is not satisfied with his/her perfomance, they can retake this exam by paying Rs.1000.

Overall it was very easy, but the time limit was not good.

You can get it online.

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