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Please tell me about bitsat 2011. Is it not for only doing B.Tech and one has to give the exam on-line only ?

pramila rawat , 14 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear student,

For admission to any of the Integrated First Degree Programmes of BITS the candidate should have passed the 12th class examination of 10+2 system from a recognized Central or State board or its equivalent with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Further, the candidate should have obtained a minimum of 80% aggregate marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics subjects in 12th class examination, at least 60% marks in each of the Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics subjects and adequate proficiency in English. However, admissions will be made only on his/her merit position based on the score obtained in BITSAT2011. Only Students who are appearing for 12th class examination in 2011 or who have passed the 12th class examination in 2010 are eligible to appear for BITSAT2011.


If a candidate has taken more than one attempt in 12th class or its equivalent, only his latest performance is considered, provided this attempt has been for the full component of subjects/courses prescribed. Students who have passed 12th examination in 2009 or earlier are NOT eligible to appear in BITSAT-2011. Students who are presently studying in BITS at any of its campuses are not eligible to appear in BITSAT-2011


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