Aneesh Sehgal
Last Activity: 8 Years ago
Dear Student, EEE has a wider scope as compared to ECE as there is not much harder competition while going for recruitments but on the other hand ECE is beneficial for getting a government job.ECE (Electronics and Communication Engineering) and EEE (Electronics and Electrical Engineering) are branches that sound quite similar. A lot of students, with an interest in Electronics, get confused while choosing between these two branches. Factually, among several Electronics derived branches EEE, ECE and EIE are top choices.As the name clearly suggests, in EEE one has to study electrical engineering as well as electronics while in ECE one deals with electronics and some part of communication engineering.
BITS is surely a good choice, but there are some other equally renowned institutions too where you may try your luck and they are – B S Abdur Rahman University, Chennai,....................Lovely Professional Universityy, Phagwara,..........................BHU, Varanasi