Flag Engineering Entrance Exams> I had been really good at mechanics and f...
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I had been really good at mechanics and fluid mechanics taught in class eleventh in my jee preparation institute i find interest in solving problems of dynamics, rotation,e&m,liquids etc. and i am good at maths too again at the jee preparation level. Does dis mean that if I am getting mechanical engineering at a good college I should go for it or if I am getting chemical engineering at a better college then there? though I don't like cramming up things but i am adaptive too.p.s. The colleges are DTU and BITS pilanip.s. Acc to my expected rank i am eligible for everything but not cs at DTU.

Sudhanshu Saini , 9 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 2 Answers
Bhanu Prakash

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

As you interest mentioned you can do your best in mechanical engineering but according to your sources and rank try to chose the best group do you best.To predict your rank use askiitians rank predictor.BITS is good
All the Best For Your Career


Last Activity: 9 Years ago

as you mentioned it is best to take mechanical engineering
but it also depends on sourse and rank you get
choose the best one
all the best

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