
Why is the dielectric constant for metal is infinity? plzz explain with example.

Why is the dielectric constant for metal is infinity? plzz explain with example.


2 Answers

Harishwar IIT Roorkee
askIITians Faculty 50 Points
9 years ago
Dielectric constant (aka relativa permittivity) is a measure of the polarizability of a material. The capability of a material to separate charges inside its body. By definition, vacuum has unitary dielectric constant (= 1). Metals are the most polarizable materials in nature, so their dielectric constant is the highest (= infinite).
Hope this help to practically understand.
Suraj Prasad IIT Patna
askIITians Faculty 286 Points
9 years ago
Dielectric constant will tell us how much conductive it is.....
metals are good conductors of heat and electricity, so its K value will be infinity.

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