conductor is an object or type of material that allows the flow of electrical current in one or more directions.
Last Activity: 9 Years ago
IN physics and electrical engineering, a conductor is an object or type of material that allows the flow of electrical current in one or more directions. For example, a wire is an electrical conductor that can carry electricity along its length.
Last Activity: 9 Years ago
An electrical conductor is a substance in which electrical charge carriers, usually electrons, move easily from atom to atom with the application of voltage. Conductivity, in general, is the capacity to transmit something, such as electricity or heat.
Last Activity: 9 Years ago
In a conductor, electric current can flow freely, in an insulator it cannot. Metals such as copper typify conductors, while most non-metallic solids are said to be good insulators, having extremely high resistance to the flow of charge through them.
Drovan Reddy
Last Activity: 9 Years ago
Basically there are 2 types of conductors (1) good conductors and (2)bad conductors.(1) Good conductors are those which allow heat or electricity to pass through steel,copper etc.(2) Bad conductors are those which do not allow heat or light to pass through plastic,cotton etc.
Last Activity: 9 Years ago
Conductors are substances which allows current to flow. Examples : Copper, silver
Silver is the best conductorof electricity. Most metals are conductors except lead and most of the non metals are insulators (substances which does not allow current to flow) except graphite (Carbon isotrope)
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