
Consider a person taking a bath in a bathtub who is under death sentence.Consider the density of salinity in blood to be ∂ b and the maximum permissible pressure in the blood vessels to be ‘P’.The water can hold a density of salinity of max ∂ w .The Capital Punishment is to be carried out by elecrifying the water. For a DC supply to the water is ‘V’.Considering the water salinity of ∂ w .Find a relation for Potential ‘V’ at which the blood vessels just ruptures. Find the relation for the same effect when the AC supply is used. From the point of application of the potential to the water in 1.Find the time at which the blood vessels rupture. When an AC supply is given to the water ’V’.Considering the water salinity of ∂ w .Find the time of which the blood vessels ruptures.

Consider a person taking a bath in a bathtub who is under death sentence.Consider the density of salinity in blood to be ∂b  and the maximum permissible pressure in the blood vessels to be ‘P’.The water can hold a density of salinity of max ∂w .The Capital Punishment is to be carried out by elecrifying the water.
  1. For a DC supply to the water is ‘V’.Considering the water salinity of ∂w .Find a relation for Potential ‘V’ at which the blood vessels just ruptures.
  2. Find the relation  for the same effect when the AC supply is used.
  3. From the point  of application of the potential to the water in 1.Find the time at which the blood vessels rupture.
  4. When an AC supply is given to the water ’V’.Considering the water salinity of ∂w.Find the time of which the blood vessels ruptures.

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