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Two identical balls are charged by rubbing against each other.They are suspended from a horizontal rod through two stringsof lenghts 20cm each the separation between the suspended points being 5cm.In equilibriumthe separation between the balls is 3cm.find the mass of each ball and tension in the string.the charge on each ball is 0.000000002C (WITH MAGNITUDE).

chinthalapudi prashanth , 14 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 2 Answers
Askiitians Expert Soumyajit IIT-Kharagpur

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear Chinthalapudi Prashanth,

Ans Let the strings make an angle θ with the vertical

then Tcosθ=mg.............(1)

  Tsinθ=K q²/r²...............(2)

Dividing 2 by 1 we get


Solving we get,

m=8×10^-5 Kg. each

N.B: You can also solve it by using moment equations TRY IT.

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All the best Chinthalapudi Prashant!!!



Askiitians Experts
Soumyajit Das IIT Kharagpur

ayush aggarwal

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

answer posted by everyone is right but try to solve this problem using lamis theorem . it is the shortest and the best way to solve this

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