
Consider the region that seperates the plates of a capacitor. Does the electric field b/w the plates increases or decreases as the distance (d) b/w the plates decreases ? What abt the potential difference b/w the plates ? Does your answer changes if the charges moves b/w the plates of the capcitor ?

Consider the region that seperates the plates of a capacitor.  Does the electric field b/w the plates increases or decreases as the distance (d) b/w the plates decreases ? What abt the potential difference b/w the plates ? Does your answer changes if the charges moves b/w the plates of the capcitor  ? 


1 Answers

shruti gupta
8 Points
14 years ago

hi sanchit,

for a given system of plates the charge on the capacitor remains fixed.if the dist. decreases then capacitance increases.

with the increase in capacitance potential decerases. however intensity remains fixed. Q=CV


insertion of a dielectric medium betwn the plates is eqvivalent to chargse moving in betwn C=KeA/d with the change in capacitance potential changes and therby intensity also changes

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