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What happens when a dielectric is taken into a capacitor?What is the force applied on it by the capacitor?Explain this in both cases,when the battery is connected or disconnected.

Menka Malguri , 13 Years ago
Grade 12th Pass
anser 1 Answers
Rahul Kumar

Last Activity: 13 Years ago

Case 1-

Battery not connected


In this case, electric field and potentil difference between the plates will decrease by a factor of k (dielectric constant) whereas capacitance will increase by a factor of k.

As the dielectric is inserted between the plates of the capacitor, it will execute osciallations.The force will be zero when the dielectric is properly inserted and will be maximum at the ends.It will be the same in both the cases whether the battery is connected or not.



Case 2-

Battery Connected


Electric field and potential will be the same.Force on dilectrci will be again such that it executes oscialltions

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