Flag Electrostatics> electric field...
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sir,in AIEEE ,there was aquwstion regarding electric field and i have some doubt during solving it...plz help me in this question.It goes as...Let there be a spherically symmetric charge distribution with charge density varying as Rho(r)=Rho -not (5/4 -r/R) & rho(r)=0 for r>R,where r is the distance from the origin.The electric field at a distance r(r

syed obaid , 13 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
vikas askiitian expert

Last Activity: 13 Years ago

dq = 4/3 pir3 when charge distribution does not depend on radial distance , if dencity is uniform everywhere inside the sphere then this is true otherwise

dq = po(function of r)(4pir2)dr

4pir2dr is volume in this case

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