
What would be effective to read in the last 20 days of ICSE class10 board exam, when I have completed reading the book two times????

What would be effective to read in the last 20 days of ICSE class10 board exam, when I have completed reading the book two times????


1 Answers

25750 Points
5 years ago
Dear Isha
Well done.
Don't start any new thing.
  • Write and Practice: Mugging up seems easy but once you forget one line you are likely to forget the entire content. You have to write and learn before you reach the point of revision. So, when you write you are creating a mental image for future use.

  • Don’t Take Stress: Let your parents be the carrier of stress for your ICSE Board Exams. Yes, they are breathing down your neck and telling you to study all the time and relaxing can seem difficult. However, you must remain positive and upbeat.

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