Flag Electromagnetic Induction> Two unformly charged non conducting hemis...
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Two unformly charged non conducting  hemispherical sheelseach having uniform charge denstyand radius R to from a complete sphere  and surround a concentric spherical conducting steel of radius R÷2. If hemispherical part are in equilibrium then minimum surface charge density of inner conducting steel is

Badugu rohithmanikyaraj , 4 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers
Rituraj Tiwari

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

We will first find electrostatic force on right half due to first half on horizontal direction.
This will be done by integrating electrostatic pressure to all right half area

2) Then, we will calculate the force in horizontal direction by small sphere as vertical component will get cancelled out.

3) Then, we will add these two forces as 0 since right half is in equilibrium.

After calculation, minimum surface charge density of small sphere is -2£.
But, magnitude of surface charge density can be even greater than this.
But, Magnitude of Minimum is 2£.
This will be opposite in sign with given hemi
sphere.657-683_Annotation 2020-09-01 131215.png

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