
Two coil are fixed locations.when coil1 has no current and the current in coil 2 increase at the rate 15A/s the emf in coil 1 in 25mv,when coil 2 has no current and coil has a current of 3.6A, what is the flux linkage in coil 2 .

Two coil are fixed locations.when coil1 has no current and the current in coil 2 increase at the rate 15A/s the emf in coil 1 in 25mv,when coil 2 has no current and coil has a current of 3.6A, what is  the flux linkage in coil 2 .


1 Answers

25750 Points
5 years ago
Dear student
I am getting my answer as 6 mWb
Hope it helps
In case of any difficulty please feel free to ask
Arun (askIITianw forum expert)

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