
Inductor is connected through a battery emf induced is e1 when switch is pressed n e2 when switch is open then... e1 >e2, e2>e1 , e1=e2

Inductor is connected through a battery emf induced is e1 when switch is pressed n e2 when switch is open then... e1 >e2, e2>e1 , e1=e2


1 Answers

Sumit Majumdar IIT Delhi
askIITians Faculty 137 Points
10 years ago
Dear student,
When the inductor is connected and the switch is pressed, the emf is\varepsilon _{1}and when the switch is open, then the emf is\varepsilon _{2}.
According to Lenz’s law, the value of\varepsilon _{1}is going to be oppositely directed to the value of\varepsilon _{2}.
The amount is going to remain same as once the inductor gets charged, on disconnecting the battery/when switch is opened, the emf would be induced in the opposite direction.

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