
An e.m.f can be induced between the two ends of a straight copper wire then it is moved through a uniform magnetic field. True / False

An e.m.f can be induced between the two ends of a straight copper wire then it is moved through a uniform magnetic field. True / False


1 Answers

Kevin Nash
askIITians Faculty 332 Points
10 years ago
Hello Student,
Please find the answer to your question
True. A copper wire consists of billions and billions of free electrons. When the wire is at rest, the average velocity of electrons. When the wire is at rest, the average velocity of each electrons is zero. But when the wire is in motion.
NOTE : A charged particle moving in a magnetic field. experiences a force given by \underset{F}{\rightarrow}= q (\underset{v}{\rightarrow}x \underset{B}{\rightarrow}) Here also each electron experiences and therefore, electrons will move towards one end creating an emf between the two ends of a straight copper wire.
Kevin Nash
askIITians Faculty

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