Flag Electromagnetic Induction> a magnet falls with its south pole along ...
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a magnet falls with its south pole along the axis of ring, the current generated is.....and acceleration is....?a....clockwise,>gb....anticlockwise,c....clockwise,d....anticlockwise,>g

shy , 6 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

According to Lenz law, the current induced in the ring will have such a direction that the magnetic field produced by it oposes the variation of the inductive magnetic field.It is easier to think the problem from back to front.So, if the magnet is falling with the South pole towards the ring, this means the ring will produce, due to the induced current, a magnetic field to repel the magnet. So, the ring will show a South pole up, to the falling magnet.So the North pole - and the direction of the induction vector B - will be downward.Using the right hand rule - or what other rule you know to determine the direction of the magnetic field using the current direction in a ring - you will obtain, for this problem, a clock-wise direction for the current,

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