
A current i 1 =i 0 sin w t passes through a resistor of resistance R. How much thermal energy is produced in one time period? A current i 2 = -i 0 sin w t passes through the resistor. How much thermal energy is produced in one time period? If i1 and i2 both pass through the resistor simultaneously, how much thermal energy is produced ? Is the principle of superposition obeyed in the case?

A current i1=i0sinwt passes through a resistor of resistance R. How much thermal energy is produced in one time period? A current i2= -i0sinwt passes through the resistor. How much thermal energy is produced in one time period? If i1 and i2 both pass through the resistor simultaneously, how much thermal energy is produced ? Is the principle of superposition obeyed in the case?


1 Answers

Sher Mohammad IIT Delhi
askIITians Faculty 174 Points
10 years ago
  1. First calculate the rms value of the current.
  2. Find heat as I^2 rt

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