you had answered my question regarding EMI
I understood the explanation but I have a few doubts:
1.In the step XL=2πfL why have you used 5/100?
2.You have taken a parallel combination of inductor and resistor..but I have read that inductor allows dc current to flow through it easily,so there will be no current in resistor,please explain
3The fact that the key is just pressed,Does it have any effect on the outcome?
Please explain....I need your help!
you had answered my question regarding EMI
I understood the explanation but I have a few doubts:
1.In the step XL=2πfL why have you used 5/100?
2.You have taken a parallel combination of inductor and resistor..but I have read that inductor allows dc current to flow through it easily,so there will be no current in resistor,please explain
3The fact that the key is just pressed,Does it have any effect on the outcome?
Please explain....I need your help!