Flag Electromagnetic Induction> What do u mean by dielectric palarization...
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What do u mean by dielectric palarization and what is non polar moleculesand how r they polarized , what is dielectric ,what is one picofarad

aman Sharma , 6 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 2 Answers

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

Dielectric polarisation means redistribution of charges in a dielectric.

A dielectric material may consist of polar molecules or non-polar molecules.

A polar molecule have permanent dipole moment . They are randomly oriented so that net dipole moment of the dielectric is zero.However they align themselves accordingly in a external electric field and give the dielectric material a net dipole moment.they arrange in such a way that net charge inside the dielectric is zero but there is a surface charge.on the whole net charge of the dielectric is zero.


Last Activity: 6 Years ago

Dear student,

Please ask only one question in one thread.

When som electric field is applied to some polar molecules, the dipole of the material reorients according to the external electric field due cancel some effect of it inside. This phenomenon is called dielectric polarization. Molecules that have purely covalent bond between atoms, due to which their polarizaiton is not possible, are all non polar molecules.


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