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what are theof Uses of Polaroid

morden , 9 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 4 Answers

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

*polaroids are used to eliminate the head light glare in motor cars.
*Polaroids are used in the laboratory to produce and analyse plane polarised light.
*Polaroids are widely used as polarising sun glasses.
*They are used to improve colour contrasts in old oil paintings.
*polaroid films are used to produce three-dimensonal moving pictures.
*They are used as glass windows in trains and aeroplanes to control the intensity of light.
e.g:In aeroplane one polaroid is fixed outside the window while the other is fitted inside which can be rotated. The intensity of light can be adjusted by rotating the inner polaroid.
Aerial pictures may be taken from slightly different angles and when viewed through polaroids give a better perception of depth.
*Polarisation is also used to study size and shape of molecules.
*In calculators and watches, letters and numbers are formed by liquid crystal display(LCD) through polarisation of light.

Gman Namg

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

some of the uses of the Polaroid have been illustrated over here pl. check out all of them
1. Polaroids are used in the laboratory to produce and analyse plane polarised light. 2. they are widely used as polarising sun glasses. 3. They are used to eliminate the head light glare in motor cars. 4. They are used to improve colour contrasts in old oil paintings. 5. Polaroid films are used to produce 3D moving pictures. 6. They are used as glass windows in trains and aeroplanes to control the intensity of light. In aeroplane one polaroid is fixed outside the window while the other is fitted inside which can be rotated. The intensity of light can be adjusted by rotating the inner polaroid. 7. Aerial pictures may be taken from slightly different angles and when viewed through polaroids give a better perception of depth. 8. In calculators and watches, letters and numbers are formed by liquid crystal display (LCD) through polarisation of light. 9. Polarisation is also used to study size and shape of molecules.


Last Activity: 9 Years ago

Polaroids are used in sun glasses.  reduces the intensity and the glare 
Polarized light is used in photo elastic stress analysis.
Polarized light is useful to determine size and shape of viruses.
This polarized light finds many practical applications in industry and engineering science.

E.Nandhini ketha

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

  •  Polaroids are used in the laboratory to produce and analyse plane polarised light.
  •  Polaroids are widely used as polarising sun glasses.
  •  They are used to eliminate the head light glare in motor cars.
  •  They are used to improve colour contrasts in old oil paintings.

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