
Why is argon used in lamps? A Argon forms molecules when electricity is passed through it B Argon is inert and so does not react with the hot filament C Argon is less dense than air D Argon produces light when it burns

Why is argon used in lamps?


Argon forms molecules when electricity is passed through it


Argon is inert and so does not react with the hot filament


Argon is less dense than air


Argon produces light when it burns

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

Mayank Ranka
askIITians Faculty 277 Points
3 years ago
Dear student,

Solution:- (B) Argon is inert and so does not react with the hot filament

Argon belongs to zero group, i.e., is a noble gas and thus is inert. Hence it will not react with the hot filaments.
Hence it is used in fluorescent and incandescent light bulbs to stop the oxygen in the light bulbs from corroding the hot tungsten filament.

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