Two mettalic wires A and B are connectedin second wire A has length l and radius r , while wire B has length 2l amd radius 2r. Find the ratio of total resistence of series combination and the resistence of wire A, if both the wires are of same material ?
Jaswanth , 7 Years ago
Grade 10
1 Answers
Vikas TU
Last Activity: 7 Years ago
Suppose the resistivity of both the wires is ‘q’.
Resistance of wire A is, R = ql/(πr )
Resistance of wire B is, R = q(2l)/[π(2r)
Now, the resistance when they are connected in So, the required ratio is, R: R = (3/2)[ql/(πr)]
=> R: R = 3: 2
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