Flag Electric Current> Judge the equivalent resistance when the ...
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Judge the equivalent resistance when the the resistance of 1 ohm and 1000000 are connected in parallel

Sakshi , 7 Years ago
Grade 10
anser 1 Answers
Kuntal Paul

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

The equivalent resistance will be R = 1/(1+10^-6) = 0.999999 ohm which can be approximated to be 1 ohm. This means, the parallel combination practically reduces the effect of the higher resistance. It proves that, if a too large resistance gets connected to a too small resistance in parallel combination, then the equivalent resistance will approximately be equal to the smallest resistance. And the largest resistance gets nullified approximately. This is because electricity prefers a path which has the least resistance and when it comes to parallel combination, maximum portion of the current flows through the path of least resistance. Note, that this is the theory of the working principle of Faraday Cage. So both the theory and the practical event gets justified through this question.

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