Flag Electric Current> (i)What is thermo emf? (ii)What is neutra...
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(i)What is thermo emf?(ii)What is neutral temperature?(iii)What is thermocouple?(iv)What is the rate of increase of thermo-e.m.f. withtemperature at the neutral temperature of athermocouple will be?

Adarsh , 9 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 3 Answers
erra akhil

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

The e.m.f. set up in a thermocouple , when its two juncions are kept at different temperatures is called thermo e.m.f.
A thermocouple is comprised of at least two metals joined together to form two junctions. One is connected to the body whose temperature is to be measured; this is the hot or measuring junction. The other junction is connected to a body of known temperature; this is the cold or reference junction. Therefore the thermocouple measures unknown temperature of the body with reference to the known temperature of the other body.


Last Activity: 9 Years ago

Thank u for the answer.
Please post the answer for all the questions.
What is neutral temperature?
What is the rate of increase of thermo-e.m.f. with temperature at the neutral temperature of a thermocouple will be?

erra akhil

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

Neutral temperature is the temp untill which emf increases with temp and after this neutral temp. emp again decreases on increasing temp.
The rate of increase of thermo emf with temp at the neutral temp of a thermocouple is 0.
Graph eqn for emf vs temp  is a parabola.
Is this enough or do u want some thing else related to this concept?

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