
Two spheres of radii r1 and r2 (r1 > r2) are gives equal charges and connected then: (a) The sphere of radius r1 will have less potential. (b) The sphere of radius r2 will have less potential. (c) The two sphere will have same potential. (d) Sphere of radius r1 will have negative potential and of r2 will have zero potential.

Two spheres of radii r1 and r2 (r1 > r2) are gives equal charges and connected then:

(a) The sphere of radius r1 will have less potential. (b) The sphere of radius r2 will

have less potential.

(c) The two sphere will have same potential. (d) Sphere of radius r1 will have negative potential and of

r2 will have zero potential.


1 Answers

Ashtik Mahapatra
30 Points
11 years ago

If the spheres are solid, then connecting them makes them have the same potential

Hence, (c)

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