
what indicates charge

what indicates charge


1 Answers

Askiitians_Expert Yagyadutt
askIITians Faculty 74 Points
14 years ago

Hello baba


Every object either in any matter state...made up of atom s...and each atoms contain equal no. of electron and proton as we all know that


Now Due to equal no of electron and proton on atom....neutrality exist .


Now when there comes an extra electron by some means or some extra proton ..then atom regain one negative or one positive respectively...which brings 1e charge on the body..


Hence if any body say that ...this object is charges...means it has excess no of electron or excess no of proton ..

And more sepecific...if some body says...the object is positively charged..then excess no of proton n vice versa ...


WHat else u want to know dear ...:)





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