
what minimum marks i should get to just pass in iit and what topics i should study more to get these minimum marks teell the marks of individual subjects and what are these cut offs

what minimum marks i should get to just pass in iit and what topics i should study more to get these minimum marks

teell the marks of individual subjects

and what are these cut offs



2 Answers

AskiitianExpert Pramod-IIT-R
47 Points
14 years ago

Dear Ms. Aditi;

There are ?not a fix percentage chapter wise. this is not a board exam in which you have to pass a exam only , this is a all india compitition and you have tyo clear a rank in this. So there is not any short cut to clear this exam.There are soe imnportant chapter in chemistry like chemical equibirium, chemical kinetics,chemical bonding,cell reaction,aldehydes & ketons, named reactions, amines reactions periodic properties etc.

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omkar deepak borkar
54 Points
14 years ago

for nt:

83 is the cutoff

for obc:

119 is the cutoff

for open:

165 is the cut off

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