
sir/madam i am so frustrated about my iit jee/aieee exam .please tell me how i prepare for these test so that i may come out from my frustration,

sir/madam i am so frustrated about my  iit jee/aieee exam .please tell me how i prepare for these test so that i may come out from my frustration, 


1 Answers

AskiitianExpert Pramod-IIT-R
47 Points
14 years ago

Hello young Man;

 I can unerstan this time, but this is a real time to be a stable student. This is a compition and all the student will face same problem and you have to do some thing different. SO be strong and this is the time where  you are very near to your target. SO be calm and just study. Do not try or solve new book like MCQ. just revice whatever you have covered. an o not try number of books. just rea and rea your notes , this is  enough and that will give you some confidence. SO o not loose you confidence.

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