AskiitianExpert Pramod-IIT-R
Last Activity: 15 Years ago
Dear student Mr. Vipul,
This is very surprising that you are comparing this two college which have different area and scope. If you will get admission in IP college Delhi, you will become an engineer and you will live in a standard and compete with today word. You can also see Indian software engineering. There will be a lot of scope to earn a great money. If you have any interest in research again there are lot of scope after IP college. But if you will admit in NDRI, you will have to stay in that side only. you can not change the line. and worst condition is that India do not has a good reseach facility in this field and after some year you will fel that there is nothing to do. These type of college are running only government funding. There are very slow rate of research. First Salary will not be to high and may be possible about 10,000 Rs. So dear student try to go to IP university and give a jump to your career.
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