
sir as u helpd me b4 also kindly help me dis time also i ordered a book of R D Sharma(an objective approach to mathematics for iit jee) bt it came to be an objective mathematics by R D Sharma are these 2 are same or different plz tll me fast as i dnt wnt 2 waste my time i wnt 2 do nythng 2 crack iit jee

sir as u helpd me b4 also kindly help me dis time also i ordered a book of R D Sharma(an objective approach to mathematics for iit jee) bt it came to be an objective mathematics by R D Sharma are these 2 are same or different plz tll me fast as i dnt wnt 2 waste my time i wnt 2 do nythng 2 crack iit jee


1 Answers

Badiuddin askIITians.ismu Expert
148 Points
14 years ago

Dear aditya

both books are same



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