
Is ncert sufficient for aieee/iitjee

Is ncert sufficient for aieee/iitjee

Grade:Upto college level

2 Answers

Askiitian.Expert Rajat
24 Points
15 years ago


NCERT is sufficient for theory of the syllabus of IITJEE/AIEEE, But to understand the problems of the level that are asked in IITJEE/AIEEE, you need a tougher set of Problems, You can experience solving those tough questions, in Askiitians Online Coaching Sessions, where we also give you tips and tricks that can help you solve problems at a great speed, which is what is required by IITJEE.  For more details call our numbers at:


Regards and Best of Luck,


Askiitians Expert

4 Points
10 years ago
No, the only subject for which NCERT does a good deal is Physics, being mostly conceptual NCERT is enough for theory but for Mathematics and chemistry NCERT ,just serves as an introdution for concepts as well as data, (ex: Inorganic and Organic)

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