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Today was my first IIT-JEE 2011 Test of Brilliant Tutorials. I was able to prepare only 4/16 chapters as I enrolled late and I think I will score 90/480. Is score alright?

Vishrant Vasavada , 15 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers
AskiitianExpert Shine

Last Activity: 15 Years ago


The score does not matter much as you already know that you were not able to prepare well for the test. What is more important is that were you able to solve the questions which were from the chapters you were able to prepare? The key point you should stress on all through your preparation is that whatever you study, all the basics and concepts of that topic should be clear to you so that you are able to solve the problems.
After giving the test, cross check your answers with the solutions given and try to see if anything went wrong in your answers that you attempted and where and why did you go wrong. Revise that particular concept again so that you dont commit similar mistakes in future. That will fulfil that whole objective of giving that test.

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