AKASH GOYAL AskiitiansExpert-IITD
Last Activity: 13 Years ago
Dear Pramila
Every student who completes the B.Tech programme of IIST, meeting specified academic standards, will be absorbed in ISRO as Scientist/Engineer SC. To be thus eligible for absorption in ISRO, the student should have completed the B.Tech programme in four years with a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 6.5 (out of a maximum of 10). The maximum time limit allowed for successful completion of a programme is six years, but any extension beyond the normal four years renders the student ineligible for absorption in ISRO. Students who join IIST to pursue Undergraduate Programme are required to furnish a bond to serve ISRO for five years immediately after completion of the programme. If a student is not eligible to join ISRO, penalty provisions in the bond will be attracted.
All the best.
AskiitiansExpert-IIT Delhi
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