Amit Askiitiansexpert
Last Activity: 14 Years ago
Dear sangeeth,
Engineering Physics (EP) is is very good course and best if you are interested in research, available mainly at the levels of B.Tech, B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. Unlike other engineering degrees (such as aerospace engineering or electrical engineering), EP does not necessarily include a particular branch of science or physics. Instead, EP is meant to provide a more thorough grounding in applied physics of any area chosen by the student (such as optics, nanotechnology, microfabrication, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, control theory, aerodynamics, energy or solid-state physics). This is why in some countries only the B.Sc. part of the degree is called a degree in Engineering Physics.
Engineering Physics degrees are respected degrees taught in many countries. It is notable that in many languages the term for Engineering Physics would be directly translated into English as "technical physics". In some countries, both what would be translated as "Engineering Physics" and what would be translated as "Technical Physics" are disciplines leading to academic degrees, with the former specializes in nuclear power research, and the latter closer to engineering physics.
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All the best.
Amit - IT BHU
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