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I have scored  291  BITSAT 09.

i can get a good branch at BITS  "Goa" Or  "Hydrabad" Campus.

but i m in doubt that these campuses do have placements & facilities in above campuses.

Ajinkya Domale , 15 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
ashish kumar

Last Activity: 15 Years ago


Dear Ajuinkya,

You will definately be getting any god branch at Goa or Hyderabad except the Comp. Sc. or Electrical. Regerding thr facilities of the two colleges, they are quite well served but the placement is not that good there . It wil  be better for you to get a branch at BITS Pilani and go for a branch change there after performing well after the 1st year . The best option there for you would be Engineering technology or Finance.

Thank you.

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