
my bitsat score is 282, wat are my chances of gettin into PILANI????? could you also the possible cutoffs for COMP. and ELECTRONICS at PILANI????? Thanks.

my bitsat score is 282,  wat  are my chances of gettin into PILANI?????

could you also the possible cutoffs for COMP.   and    ELECTRONICS at  PILANI?????



1 Answers

ashish kumar
17 Points
15 years ago


Dear Prachi,

Thae best possible you could get at BITS Pilani are : -

  1. M.Sc. in Chemistry
  2. M.Sc. in Finance.


The cutoffs for electrical and computer were 339 and 349 respectively.

For getting the cutoff detaikls of Goa and Htderabad refer to the link given below : -

Thank you.

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